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Transit Chart ​

The Transit Chart functionality allows you to analyze the transits of celestial bodies relative to a natal chart. This can provide insights into current influences and future trends.

Creating a Transit Chart ​

To create a Transit Chart, you need to create two AstrologicalSubject objects and pass them to the KerykeionChartSVG class. Here is an example:

from kerykeion import AstrologicalSubject, KerykeionChartSVG

# Create astrological subjects
natal_subject = AstrologicalSubject("John Lennon", 1940, 10, 9, 10, 30, "Liverpool", "GB")
transit_subject = AstrologicalSubject("Current Transits", 2023, 10, 1, 0, 0, "Liverpool", "GB")

# Transit Chart
transit_chart = KerykeionChartSVG(natal_subject, "Transit", transit_subject)

New Transit Chart Features ​

Aspect Table Grid View ​

You can now display aspects in a grid format, providing a clearer and more organized view compared to the traditional list format. This feature enhances the readability and analysis of transit charts.

Here is an example of how to enable the Aspect Table Grid View:

from kerykeion import AstrologicalSubject, KerykeionChartSVG

# Create astrological subjects
natal_subject = AstrologicalSubject("John Lennon", 1940, 10, 9, 10, 30, "Liverpool", "GB")
transit_subject = AstrologicalSubject("Current Transits", 2023, 10, 1, 0, 0, "Liverpool", "GB")

# Transit Chart with Aspect Table Grid View
transit_chart = KerykeionChartSVG(natal_subject, "Transit", transit_subject, double_chart_aspect_grid_type="table")

Customizing the Output Directory ​

If you want to save the output in a different directory, you can pass the new_output_directory parameter to the KerykeionChartSVG class. Otherwise, the output will be saved in the home directory.

Here is an example:

from kerykeion import AstrologicalSubject, KerykeionChartSVG

# Create astrological subjects
natal_subject = AstrologicalSubject("John Lennon", 1940, 10, 9, 10, 30, "Liverpool", "GB")
transit_subject = AstrologicalSubject("Current Transits", 2023, 10, 1, 0, 0, "Liverpool", "GB")

# Transit Chart with custom output directory
transit_chart = KerykeionChartSVG(natal_subject, "Transit", transit_subject, new_output_directory="./transit_charts")

The output will be saved in the specified directory.