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Birth Data ​

The AstrologicalSubject class allows you to create an object representing an individual's birth data. This object can then be used to generate various astrological charts and retrieve detailed information about celestial bodies at the time of birth.

Creating an AstrologicalSubject Object ​

To create an AstrologicalSubject object, you need to provide the following parameters:

  • name (str, optional): The name of the subject. Defaults to "Now".
  • year (int, optional): The year of birth. Defaults to the current year.
  • month (int, optional): The month of birth. Defaults to the current month.
  • day (int, optional): The day of birth. Defaults to the current day.
  • hour (int, optional): The hour of birth. Defaults to the current hour.
  • minute (int, optional): Defaults to the current minute.
  • city (str, optional): City or location of birth. Defaults to "London", which is GMT time. The city argument is used to get the coordinates and timezone from geonames just in case you don't insert them manually (see _get_tz). If you insert the coordinates and timezone manually, the city argument is not used for calculations but it's still used as a value for the city attribute.
  • nat (str, optional): Defaults to "".
  • lng (Union[int, float], optional): Longitude of the birth location. Defaults to 0 (Greenwich, London).
  • lat (Union[int, float], optional): Latitude of the birth location. Defaults to 51.5074 (Greenwich, London).
  • tz_str (Union[str, bool], optional): Timezone of the birth location. Defaults to "GMT".
  • geonames_username (str, optional): The username for the geonames API. Note: Change this to your own username to avoid rate limits! You can get one for free here: Geonames.
  • online (bool, optional): Sets if you want to use the online mode, which fetches the timezone and coordinates from geonames. If you already have the coordinates and timezone, set this to False. Defaults to True.
  • disable_chiron: Deprecated, use disable_chiron_and_lilith instead.
  • sidereal_mode (SiderealMode, optional): Also known as Ayanamsa. The mode to use for the sidereal zodiac, according to the Swiss Ephemeris. Defaults to "FAGAN_BRADLEY". Available modes are visible in the SiderealMode Literal.
  • houses_system_identifier (HousesSystemIdentifier, optional): The system to use for the calculation of the houses. Defaults to "P" (Placidus). Available systems are visible in the HousesSystemIdentifier Literal.
  • perspective_type (PerspectiveType, optional): The perspective to use for the calculation of the chart. Defaults to "Apparent Geocentric". Available perspectives are visible in the PerspectiveType Literal.
  • is_dst (Union[None, bool], optional): Specify if the time is in DST. Defaults to None. By default (None), the library will try to guess if the time is in DST or not and raise an AmbiguousTimeError if it can't guess. If you know the time is in DST, set this to True, if you know it's not, set it to False.
  • disable_chiron_and_lilith (bool, optional): Boolean representing if Chiron and Lilith should be disabled. Default is False. Chiron calculation can create some issues with the Swiss Ephemeris when the date is too far in the past.

Example Usage ​

Here is an example of how to create an AstrologicalSubject object:

from kerykeion import AstrologicalSubject

# Create an AstrologicalSubject object
subject = AstrologicalSubject("Kanye", 1977, 6, 8, 8, 45, "Atlanta", "USA")

You can retrieve detailed information about the moon at the time of birth using the moon attribute of the AstrologicalSubject object.

import json

## Retrieving Moon Details
print(json.dumps(subject.moon, indent=2))

Output ​

The output will be a JSON object containing detailed information about the moon:

  "name": "Moon",
  "quality": "Mutable",
  "element": "Water",
  "sign": "Pis",
  "sign_num": 11,
  "position": 16.42546949839715,
  "abs_pos": 346.42546949839715,
  "emoji": "\u2653\ufe0f",
  "point_type": "Planet",
  "house": "Ninth_House",
  "retrograde": false