This is part of Kerykeion (C) 2025 Giacomo Battaglia
1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2""" 3This is part of Kerykeion (C) 2025 Giacomo Battaglia 4""" 5from typing import Literal 6 7 8ZodiacType = Literal["Tropic", "Sidereal"] 9"""Literal type for Zodiac Types""" 10 11 12Sign = Literal["Ari", "Tau", "Gem", "Can", "Leo", "Vir", "Lib", "Sco", "Sag", "Cap", "Aqu", "Pis"] 13"""Literal type for Zodiac Signs""" 14 15 16SignNumbers = Literal[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] 17"""Literal type for Zodiac Sign Numbers, the signs are numbered in order starting from Aries (0) to Pis (11)""" 18 19 20Houses = Literal["First_House", "Second_House", "Third_House", "Fourth_House", "Fifth_House", "Sixth_House", "Seventh_House", "Eighth_House", "Ninth_House", "Tenth_House", "Eleventh_House", "Twelfth_House"] 21"""Literal type for Houses""" 22 23 24HouseNumbers = Literal[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] 25"""Literal type for House Numbers, starting from the First House (1) to the Twelfth House (12)""" 26 27 28Planet = Literal["Sun", "Moon", "Mercury", "Venus", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune", "Pluto", "Mean_Node", "True_Node", "Mean_South_Node", "True_South_Node", "Chiron", "Mean_Lilith"] 29"""Literal type for Planets""" 30 31AxialCusps = Literal["Ascendant", "Medium_Coeli", "Descendant", "Imum_Coeli"] 32"""Literal type for Axial Cusps""" 33 34 35Element = Literal["Air", "Fire", "Earth", "Water"] 36"""Literal type for Elements""" 37 38 39Quality = Literal["Cardinal", "Fixed", "Mutable"] 40"""Literal type for Qualities""" 41 42 43ChartType = Literal["Natal", "ExternalNatal", "Synastry", "Transit", "Composite"] 44"""Literal type for Chart Types""" 45 46 47PointType = Literal["Planet", "House", "AxialCusps"] 48"""Literal type for Point Types""" 49 50 51LunarPhaseEmoji = Literal["🌑", "🌒", "🌓", "🌔", "🌕", "🌖", "🌗", "🌘"] 52"""Literal type for Lunar Phases Emoji""" 53 54 55LunarPhaseName = Literal["New Moon", "Waxing Crescent", "First Quarter", "Waxing Gibbous", "Full Moon", "Waning Gibbous", "Last Quarter", "Waning Crescent"] 56"""Literal type for Lunar Phases Name""" 57 58 59SiderealMode = Literal["FAGAN_BRADLEY", "LAHIRI", "DELUCE", "RAMAN", "USHASHASHI", "KRISHNAMURTI", "DJWHAL_KHUL", "YUKTESHWAR", "JN_BHASIN", "BABYL_KUGLER1", "BABYL_KUGLER2", "BABYL_KUGLER3", "BABYL_HUBER", "BABYL_ETPSC", "ALDEBARAN_15TAU", "HIPPARCHOS", "SASSANIAN", "J2000", "J1900", "B1950"] 60"""Literal type for Sidereal Modes, as known as Ayanamsa""" 61 62 63HousesSystemIdentifier = Literal["A", "B", "C", "D", "F", "H", "I", "i", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y"] 64""" 65Literal type for Houses Systems: 66 67A = equal 68B = Alcabitius 69C = Campanus 70D = equal (MC) 71F = Carter poli-equ. 72H = horizon/azimut 73I = Sunshine 74i = Sunshine/alt. 75K = Koch 76L = Pullen SD 77M = Morinus 78N = equal/1=Aries 79O = Porphyry 80P = Placidus 81Q = Pullen SR 82R = Regiomontanus 83S = Sripati 84T = Polich/Page 85U = Krusinski-Pisa-Goelzer 86V = equal/Vehlow 87W = equal/whole sign 88X = axial rotation system/Meridian houses 89Y = APC houses 90 91Usually the standard is Placidus (P) 92""" 93 94 95PerspectiveType = Literal["Apparent Geocentric", "Heliocentric", "Topocentric", "True Geocentric"] 96""" 97Literal type for perspective types. 98- "Apparent Geocentric": Earth-centered, apparent positions. 99- "Heliocentric": Sun-centered. 100- "Topocentric": Observer's location on Earth's surface. 101- "True Geocentric": Earth-centered, true positions. 102 103Usually the standard is "Apparent Geocentric" 104""" 105 106 107SignsEmoji = Literal["♈️", "♉️", "♊️", "♋️", "♌️", "♍️", "♎️", "♏️", "♐️", "♑️", "♒️", "♓️"] 108"""Literal type for Zodiac Signs Emoji""" 109 110KerykeionChartTheme = Literal["light", "dark", "dark-high-contrast", "classic"] 111"""Literal type for Kerykeion Chart Themes""" 112 113 114KerykeionChartLanguage = Literal["EN", "FR", "PT", "IT", "CN", "ES", "RU", "TR", "DE", "HI"] 115"""Literal type for Kerykeion Chart Languages""" 116 117 118RelationshipScoreDescription = Literal["Minimal", "Medium", "Important", "Very Important", "Exceptional", "Rare Exceptional"] 119"""Literal type for Relationship Score Description""" 120 121 122CompositeChartType = Literal["Midpoint"] 123"""Literal type for Composite Chart Types""" 124 125AspectName = Literal[ 126 "conjunction", 127 "semi-sextile", 128 "semi-square", 129 "sextile", 130 "quintile", 131 "square", 132 "trine", 133 "sesquiquadrate", 134 "biquintile", 135 "quincunx", 136 "opposition" 137] 138"""Literal type for all the available aspects names"""
Literal type for Zodiac Types
Literal type for Zodiac Signs
Literal type for Zodiac Sign Numbers, the signs are numbered in order starting from Aries (0) to Pis (11)
Literal type for Houses
Literal type for House Numbers, starting from the First House (1) to the Twelfth House (12)
Literal type for Planets
Literal type for Axial Cusps
Literal type for Elements
Literal type for Qualities
Literal type for Chart Types
Literal type for Point Types
Literal type for Lunar Phases Emoji
Literal type for Lunar Phases Name
Literal type for Sidereal Modes, as known as Ayanamsa
Literal type for Houses Systems:
A = equal B = Alcabitius C = Campanus D = equal (MC) F = Carter poli-equ. H = horizon/azimut I = Sunshine i = Sunshine/alt. K = Koch L = Pullen SD M = Morinus N = equal/1=Aries O = Porphyry P = Placidus Q = Pullen SR R = Regiomontanus S = Sripati T = Polich/Page U = Krusinski-Pisa-Goelzer V = equal/Vehlow W = equal/whole sign X = axial rotation system/Meridian houses Y = APC houses
Usually the standard is Placidus (P)
Literal type for perspective types.
- "Apparent Geocentric": Earth-centered, apparent positions.
- "Heliocentric": Sun-centered.
- "Topocentric": Observer's location on Earth's surface.
- "True Geocentric": Earth-centered, true positions.
Usually the standard is "Apparent Geocentric"
Literal type for Zodiac Signs Emoji
Literal type for Kerykeion Chart Themes
Literal type for Kerykeion Chart Languages
Literal type for Relationship Score Description
Literal type for Composite Chart Types
Literal type for all the available aspects names