
This is part of Kerykeion (C) 2024 Giacomo Battaglia


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Kerykeion is a python library for Astrology. It can calculate all the planet and house position, also it can calculate the aspects of a single persone or between two, you can set how many planets you need in the settings in the utility module. It also can generate an SVG of a birthchart, a synastry chart or a transit chart.

The core goal of this project is to provide a simple and easy approach to astrology in a data driven way.

Here's an example of a birthchart:

Kanye Birth Chart


If you want to use Kerykeion in a web application, I've created a web API for this purpose, you can find it here:


It's open source, it's a way to support me and the project.

Maintaining this project is a lot of work, the Astrologer API doesn't nearly cover the costs of a software engineer working on this project full time. I do this because I love it, but until I can make this my full time job, I won't be able to spend as much time on it.

If you want to support me, you can do it here:



Kerykeion is a _Python 3.9_ package, make sure you have _Python 3.9_ or above installed on your system.

pip3 install kerykeion


Here some examples:

# Import the main class for creating a kerykeion instance:
from kerykeion import AstrologicalSubject

# Create a kerykeion instance:
# Args: Name, year, month, day, hour, minuts, city, nation(optional)
kanye = AstrologicalSubject("Kanye", 1977, 6, 8, 8, 45, "Atlanta")

# Get the information about the sun in the chart:
# (The position of the planets always starts at 0)

#> {'name': 'Sun', 'quality': 'Mutable', 'element': 'Air', 'sign': 'Gem', 'sign_num': 2, 'pos': 17.598992059774275, 'abs_pos': 77.59899205977428, 'emoji': '♊️', 'house': '12th House', 'retrograde': False}

# Get information about the first house:

#> {'name': 'First_House', 'quality': 'Cardinal', 'element': 'Water', 'sign': 'Can', 'sign_num': 3, 'pos': 17.995779673209114, 'abs_pos': 107.99577967320911, 'emoji': '♋️'}

# Get element of the moon sign:

#> 'Water'

To avoid connecting to GeoNames (eg. avoiding hourly limit or no internet connection) you should instance kerykeion like this:

kanye = AstrologicalSubject(
    "Kanye", 1977, 6, 8, 8, 45, lng=50, lat=50, tz_str="Europe/Rome", city="Rome"

The difference is that you have to pass the longitude, latitude and the timezone string, instead of the city and nation. If you omit the nation, it will be set to "GB" by default, but the value is not used for calculations. It's better to set it to the correct value though.

Generate a SVG Chart

from kerykeion import AstrologicalSubject, KerykeionChartSVG

first = AstrologicalSubject("John Lennon", 1940, 10, 9, 18, 30, "Liverpool", "GB")
second = AstrologicalSubject("Paul McCartney", 1942, 6, 18, 15, 30, "Liverpool", "GB")

# Set the type, it can be Natal, Synastry or Transit
synastry_chart = KerykeionChartSVG(first, "Synastry", second)

John Lennon and Paul McCartney Synastry

Note: By default, the generated SVG file will be in the home directory! To change the destination directory:

from kerykeion import AstrologicalSubject, KerykeionChartSVG

first = AstrologicalSubject("John Lennon", 1940, 10, 9, 18, 30, "Liverpool", "GB")
second = AstrologicalSubject("Paul McCartney", 1942, 6, 18, 15, 30, "Liverpool", "GB")

# Synastry Chart
synastry_chart = KerykeionChartSVG(first, "Synastry", second, new_output_directory=".")

Change Language

To change the language of the chart you should create a new kr.config.js file and pass it to the BirthChartSVG class. So far the available languages are English, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, French and Chinese.

Some examples here.


To print a report of all the data:

from kerykeion import Report, AstrologicalSubject

kanye = AstrologicalSubject("Kanye", 1977, 6, 8, 8, 45, "Atlanta")
report = Report(kanye)


+- Kerykeion report for Kanye -+
| Date     | Time | Location    | Longitude | Latitude |
| 8/6/1977 | 8:45 | Atlanta, US | -84.38798 | 33.749   |
| Planet    | Sign | Pos.  | Ret. | House          |
| Sun       | Gem  | 17.6  | -    | Twelfth_House  |
| Moon      | Pis  | 16.43 | -    | Ninth_House    |
| Mercury   | Tau  | 26.29 | -    | Eleventh_House |
| Venus     | Tau  | 2.03  | -    | Tenth_House    |
| Mars      | Tau  | 1.79  | -    | Tenth_House    |
| Jupiter   | Gem  | 14.61 | -    | Eleventh_House |
| Saturn    | Leo  | 12.8  | -    | Second_House   |
| Uranus    | Sco  | 8.27  | R    | Fourth_House   |
| Neptune   | Sag  | 14.69 | R    | Fifth_House    |
| Pluto     | Lib  | 11.45 | R    | Fourth_House   |
| Mean_Node | Lib  | 21.49 | R    | Fourth_House   |
| True_Node | Lib  | 22.82 | R    | Fourth_House   |
| Chiron    | Tau  | 4.17  | -    | Tenth_House    |
| House          | Sign | Position |
| First_House    | Can  | 18.0     |
| Second_House   | Leo  | 9.51     |
| Third_House    | Vir  | 4.02     |
| Fourth_House   | Lib  | 3.98     |
| Fifth_House    | Sco  | 9.39     |
| Sixth_House    | Sag  | 15.68    |
| Seventh_House  | Cap  | 18.0     |
| Eighth_House   | Aqu  | 9.51     |
| Ninth_House    | Pis  | 4.02     |
| Tenth_House    | Ari  | 3.98     |
| Eleventh_House | Tau  | 9.39     |
| Twelfth_House  | Gem  | 15.68    |

And if you want to export it to a file:

python3 > file.txt

Other exeples of possibles usecase

# Get all aspects between two persons:

from kerykeion import SynastryAspects, AstrologicalSubject
first = AstrologicalSubject("Jack", 1990, 6, 15, 15, 15, "Roma")
second = AstrologicalSubject("Jane", 1991, 10, 25, 21, 00, "Roma")

name = SynastryAspects(first, second)
aspect_list = name.get_relevant_aspects()

#> Generating kerykeion object for Jack...
#> Generating kerykeion object for Jane...
#> {'p1_name': 'Sun', 'p1_abs_pos': 84.17867971515636, 'p2_name': 'Sun', 'p2_abs_pos': 211.90472999502984, 'aspect': 'trine', 'orbit': 7.726050279873476, 'aspect_degrees': 120, 'color': '#36d100', 'aid': 6, 'diff': 127.72605027987348, 'p1': 0, 'p2': 0}

Ayanamsa (Sidereal Modes)

You can set the zodiac type and the sidereal mode in the AstrologicalSubject class:

johnny = AstrologicalSubject("Johnny Depp", 1963, 6, 9, 0, 0, "Owensboro", "US", zodiac_type="Sidereal", sidereal_mode="LAHIRI")

More examples here.

Full list of supported sidereal modes here.

Houses Systems

You can set the houses system in the AstrologicalSubject class:

johnny = AstrologicalSubject("Johnny Depp", 1963, 6, 9, 0, 0, "Owensboro", "US", houses_system="M")

More examples here.

Full list of supported house systems here.

So far all the available houses system in the Swiss Ephemeris are supported but the Gauquelin Sectors.

Perspective Type

The perspective indicates the point of view from which the chart is calculated (Es. Apparent Geocentric, Heliocentric, etc.). You can set the perspective type in the AstrologicalSubject class:

johnny = AstrologicalSubject("Johnny Depp", 1963, 6, 9, 0, 0, "Owensboro", "US", perspective_type="Heliocentric")

More examples here.

Full list of supported perspective types here.


Most of the functions and the classes are self documented by the types and have docstrings. An auto-generated documentation is available here.

Sooner or later I'll try to write an extensive documentation.


You can clone this repository or download a zip file using the right side buttons.


Feel free to contribute to the code!


This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 License. To understand how this impacts your use of the software, please see the LICENSE file for details. If you have questions, you can reach out to me at my email address. As a rule of thumb, if you are using this library in a project, you should open source the code of the project with a compatible license.

You can implement the logic of kerykeion in your project and also keep it closed source by using a third party API, like the AstrologerAPI. The AstrologerAPI is AGPL-3.0 compliant. Subscribing to the API is also, currently, the best way to support the project.

 1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 3This is part of Kerykeion (C) 2024 Giacomo Battaglia
 5.. include:: ../
 8# Local
 9from .astrological_subject import AstrologicalSubject
10from .charts.kerykeion_chart_svg import KerykeionChartSVG
11from .kr_types import *
12from .relationship_score import RelationshipScore
13from .aspects import SynastryAspects, NatalAspects
14from .report import Report
15from .settings import KerykeionSettingsModel, get_settings
16from .enums import Planets, Aspects, Signs